Monday, July 31, 2006
Interesting article on IT Metrics - the business view
Current State
IT spending as a percentage of revenue n IT spending as a percentage of operating expense
IT head count as a percentage of total head count
Ratio of percentage change in revenue to percentage change in IT spending, year over year
Ratio of percentage change in operating expense to percentage change in IT spending, year over year
Ratio of percentage change in business head count to percentage change in IT head count, year over year
Percentage of IT spending to:
Run the business
Grow the business
Transform the business (innovation)
Service Delivery
Percentage of end-to-end commitments to users met
Business cost of failure to meet end-to-end commitments
Customer satisfaction with:
Development and support processes
Employee satisfaction
Employee/key employee turnover
Compensation costs
Percentage of employees on-/offshore
Percentage of contractors on-/offshore
Unit costs of all systems
Market basket cost (unit cost for each platform multiplied by platform volume)
Reliability/availability end to end and by system
Impact of virus
Impact of security breach
Impact of compliance failure